
Gotta love the NYTimes

This is from this article: Recession Diet Just One Way to Tighten Belt

Such trade-offs were on vivid display last week in Ohio, where layoffs have been rampant. At Save-A-Lot, a discount grocery store in Cleveland, Teresa Rutherford, 51, chided her sister-in-law, Donna Dunaway, 44, for picking up a package of Sara Lee honey ham (eight ounces for $2.49).

“We can’t afford that!” she said. “Get the cheap stuff.” They settled on a 16-ounce package of Deli Pleasures ham for $3.29, or 34 percent less an ounce.

The women said that soaring prices for food and fuel had changed what they buy and where they buy it. “We used to eat out at Bob Evans or Denny’s once a month,” said Ms. Rutherford, who works in an auto-parts factory. “Now we don’t go out at all. We eat in all the time.”

Ok, I'm not trying to be mean here (ok, maybe a little) but really? REALLY!? The New York Times is interviewing a woman who used to be able to eat at Denny's once a month? I don't even know what to say to that...I'm sure there's a great joke in there somewhere but I'm just dumbfounded right now.

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